Tuesday, 30 October 2012

How To Win The Lottery

Show Me How To Win The Lottery

For how long NOW have you been trying to win the lottery?

Come on tell the truth!

Have you ever actually won more than just a few $$$$$$'s

Well, trust me when I say I SERIOUSLY WANT TO HELP YOU

Watch the following YouTube video and once again you will discover that the only true way to win the lottery is SILVER LOTTO


Friday, 21 September 2012

Should You Buy Lottery Tickets Online?

Many lottery games are also available to order online. I'm talking about the big games like:
Mega Millions, Australian lotto games, Euromillions, Canadian lottery games and many more.

Just google "play online lottery" to see the range of games available.

While it seems convenient to pick your tickets online when it suits you, there are a few problems using the Silver Lotto System to play online.

The first is that many games just don't have the ability to play more than a small number of tickets. That means if you're about to use a lot of Profile lines, you won't be able to.

The second reason is that you'll be asked to choose the number of games you want to play. Don't put bulk money in their pockets for the next few weeks or months. Keep it in your own pocket.

I always recommend you play one game at a time, on the day of the game.

By playing at your local store, YOU have control over the number and order of tickets, and the amount you spend each game.

The main advantage of the Silver Lotto System is that you don't have to fill out your tickets more than once.
So ordering online can make a whole lot of extra work for you.

Stick with your local store.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Won yet?

Seriously who has ready my blogs, took no notice of them and been shocked when they still haven't win the lottery

Friday, 20 July 2012

The ONLY Thing This System Can't Promise You

After years of getting nothing with quick picks and your own number selection (based on your dog's age and the daily temperature!), you've finally caved in.

stop sign for silver lotto

You took a deep breath, clicked on the BUY button and bought the Silver Lotto System.

Tentatively you tried a game with $10 worth of tickets. The waiting was agony. And you got nothing.
Gulp. You tried again the following week.

Hey, a bonus ticket and a $10 prize. Never had that before.

Then you started to get some regular prizes:
Week 1 - $21
Week 2 - $11
Week 3 - $36
Week 4 - $78
Week 5 - 3 Bonus tickets
Week 6 - $278
Week 7 - $5
Week 8 - $346

As you can see, your wins were pretty up and down. No jackpot either.

jackpot lottery balls

But you're in the same boat as many other Silver Lotto System prizewinners... you're getting lots of regular winning for the first time in your lottery life.

But you really want to complain about the small amounts.

Well, here's the secret.

ANY of those amounts could have been a jackpot. 

What the system does is get you winning often so you are always positioned for the jackpot. But I can't guarantee a major prize. No system can. I can maybe get you to 98% winning odds. But that last couple of percent is really just down to luck.

But the system can get you CLOSER than most to some fantastic wins. And the ultimate secret to larger wins?

Persistence... play often. The more you play, the better your odds. Science proves that.

 Here's how to join the winners:  SILVER LOTTO

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Copy This Method To Win The Lottery

Today was a Good Day.

This morning I rose early, and took the 40 stairs down three levels to my home office overlooking the harbor.
Past our cat snoozing on the guest room bed.

Past my garage door where my two exotic cars sat gleaming in the early morning light. I leave this inside door open so I can look at them every time I pass.

I flipped on my three 24" Mac screens, and scanned them for my income websites.

Hundreds of dollars were sitting there in my bank account, smiling at me. I added this to the couple of grand I won this weekend, so today started out to be an Good Day...

Now, you must be getting tired of my boasting about winning and money. But maybe you want what I have. So let me cut to the chase...

There is a way that you can copy my income. A way that is automatic. Where - with a little effort - the money just flows into your bank account whether you're at home or down the beach.

Sure, you have to do some shaking of the money tree. Not everything falls into your lap. The good thing is that you can piggyback on my experience, and speed the whole process up a lot.
That cuts down years of experimenting.

Here's how: It's all done through a simple website.

But don't worry...

You don't have to be a techno geek. In fact, you don't have to worry about setup, maintenance, changes... or anything like that.

I've done it all for you. You do nothing technical at all.

And here's why it works so well...

This website sells only  Winning Lottery Software

And it's the only way I believe that you can make a decent income from the net... with quality, in-demand stuff that works when a lot of other products don't.

Take a look here: Winning Lottery Software

And don't worry that you can't afford it. In keeping with my policy of making the price as low as possible, this one is a fraction of what other similar websites sell for. You'll be surprised at how much you get for so little.

Go now:  Winning Lottery Software

PS. If you order straight away, I can get you started before the weekend. Otherwise it will be Monday if you leave it till tomorrow.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Classic Lotto 47

Classic lotto 47

So what exactly is classic lotto 47? It is a lottery held in Michigan in the USA. As per most lotteries, players merely select 6 numbers from a range of numbers. As the name suggests, lotto 47 uses numbers from 1 to 47.

Wednesday and Saturday evening at 7:29pm, the winning numbers are selected.

Picking 6 out of 6 numbers will win you the jackpot, whilst lower prizes are also paid out.

Guaranteed prizes for classic lotto 47 are as follows:


3 out of 6 winning numbers $5

4 out of 6 winning numbers $100

5 out of 6 winning numbers $2,500

with odds of over 7,000,000 to 1 to pick all 6 winning numbers. This does not deflect from millions of individuals playing classic lotto 47 each week. All with the single hope that just one day they may pick the 6 numbers correctly and win millions of dollars in prize money.

Now without a doubt like all of us, not only do we play lotteries whether it be every game each and every week (if you can afford to) or it maybe just something you treat yourself to whilst your out shopping once in a while. We all dream of what to use our winnings on.

As I declared though, the chances of picking all 6 winning numbers is well over 7 million to 1 in classic lotto 47 alone.

Whatever you may or may not of heard, NO lottery system or in fact any system can correctly predict which winning numbers, whether you use it for classic lotto 47, the Washington Lotto or even The Texas Lottery Mega Millions Lottery

So if you think such systems are around sadly you are wrong. This simply is not true. You have been warned.

You could do with a lottery system that is honest and truthful, if you truly want to use it to win the classic lotto 47 or any other lottery that you may enter.

What do I mean by the truth?

As I have said, no system can predict the exact winning number. That would be impossible, however by taking into account 'hot' number, running streaks of numbers etc, you can select numbers that will increase your chances of winning by over 90%.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Mega Millions Lottery Winner

Want To Be A Mega Millions Lottery Winner?

I think if you ever ask people that exact question, I am sure that their answer would normally be a BIG! yes. Let's be honest, who doesn't want to be a mega millions lottery winner. I know I do, or should I say I did.

Yes your right in thinking I did win the lottery. Actually I didn't become a mega millions lottery winner. I actually won numerous other lotteries. In fact over the course of any one month. I happily win lotteries. Now I will be 100% honest with you. I don't win the big million dollar prize.

I actually win smaller amounts. That's if you want to call $195,000 a small amount. I suppose to some people it is.

However I haven't just won $195,000 once. No I have won on average $132,000 a month over the past 18 months. So I suppose you could say I was a Mega Millions.

So How Did I Do It?

If like me, you have probably been playing the lottery for years. Winning here and there, maybe not even winning at all. Well that's exactly what it was like for me. Each week or so I would play the lottery hoping the win. Especially on those roll-over weeks. Yes I won occassionally but not a lot

Then I got talking to a guy online called Steve. Both of us had the same interest in Rugby. In fact both of us coached rugby as well. Over the next few weeks we would chat about how our teams played, how many games we had won and about of best players etc.

Then we started to talk about watching International Rugby. Wanting to watch England vs France or England vs Wales etc. Now obviously tickets to these events are not cheep. However let alone did Steve go to ALL iInternationals, he went in the 'corporate boxes'.

Now obviously my question straight away to him was"How could he afford it". It was then that he told me about how he had made quite a bit of money off the lottery and continued to do so on a weekly / monthly basis. Once again Steve wasn't what you would call a mega millions lottery winner but he was rolling in money.

Now obvioulsy I called him 'Lucky' but he simply said that really whilst lottery are luck, he simply increased his chances of winning. Now, as I said I love rugby and obviously love money (who doesn't). So I asked him how?

First thing he said was 'I'll give you 10 Free Lottery Secrets' that you can give other people.

Then he went on to tell me that after I had used the 10 Lottery Secrets, I should seriously look towards using the SYSTEM that he used to make the money. He is such a nice guy that he even took me to the next England Rugby game in a corporate box. Wow! what an experince. I got to meet all the players after the match. I was like a kid in a candy shop. Stupid smile all over my face.

Click Here For Lottery System

So Did I Join?

What do you think. LOL! Of course I joined. I even used the 10 Free Lottery Secrets that Steve gave me. Which I have linked to above. Using those alone helped me win over $95,000. So go on, if you do nothing else today go get the 10 FREE LOTTERY SECRETS..........................

So my question to you is: Would you like to be a Mega Millions Lottery Winner?

3 Essential TraitsYou Need To WIN The Lottery

You may or will be surprised to know that being a winner in life will also help you win the Lottery. I've found that winners in any field of life have certain personality qualities / traits  that have made them successful.
  • It's not good looks.
  • It's not talent.
  • It's not money.
  • It's not hard work.
  • It's not luck.
Not much left, is there? Well, yes, there is...

 Get  Silver Lotto to get started

Fortunately the personality traits that all winners need can be taught. So all you have to do is follow the path I give you.

1. You Need To Be Persistent. I keep going on about this trait of persistence a lot - with good reason. Many people give up too early. But everyone benefits from being persistent. When I read or hear about winners in life being successful, I pry a bit behind their success. And I find always they have chosen one field, one item, one skill... and maxed it out over many years. Every one of them has stuck to their knitting and kept to their skill or talent, without fail. If you apply that principle to winning lotto, you can't go far wrong. Keep at it. NEVER give up!

2. You Have To Play Multiple Times. Winners keep playing, time after time, even when the odds don't go their way.

Silver Lotto
Multi-millionaire Billy Walters had 16 years of straight losses before his Las Vegas sport betting business finally took off. His secret was to keep playing until the odds of winning finally changed.

It's a bit like persistence. Every extra game you play increases your winning chances many times over.

3. You Need To Pick Yourself Up. I'm talking about folk who might first lose, but then have the ability to bounce back again to eventually win.

If you read about most successful people, you will always find on their climb to the top they fail many times... but always rise above it.

4. BONUS TRAIT: They Are Always Positive. Positive people automatically choose the correct path. It's impossible to lose if you have a positive belief that you will win. This keeps you going when your life is filled with problems.
Start now:

Buy the Silver Lotto System to get started.

If you enjoyed this article, please share it! Use the Share Article links below.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012


So How's The Weather Where You Are?

Well, here in the UK at the moment, the weather is simply fantastic........

Let's be honest the weather in the UK, is not the most dependable is it? I know I have lost count as I have grown up how many times we have been promised GREAT weather, only to wake up and discover it's raining. So you have to ask yourself, how the hell do the predict the weather?

Personally I don't think they have a glue, do you!

Let's be honest if you accepted what the weatherman predicted here in the UK, you seriously could find yourself stuck.

Now I know people will say it's not easy to predict the weather or in fact predict anything. Well I'm here to say WRONG!

The reason I love this weather is because, I make my money HELPING others win the lottery. I'm currently sat in my back garden, with a nice ice-cold drink on my iPad. No boss looking over me, no travelling. Just sat here, relaxing in the sun.

Want to join me? - MAKE MONEY LIKE ME

You will see I make my money by helping people predict the LOTTERY.

TRUST me, when I say I'm a lot better at my predictions than the weather man.


Monday, 14 May 2012

The No.1 TIP.........

No1 Tip

luxury house
I had a rich friend who - many years ago - told me this interesting piece of information about his personal success. He said that every day he would do one thing on his house... an improvement, a bit of painting, cleaning out a cupboard. He would take daily steps... do something every day to increase the value of his property.

And of course, due to his persistence he sold it for a huge profit later.
I've never forgotten his advice, and now I do the same. It's amazing how much you can accomplish over a month just doing one thing a day. And when you sit back and look at your accomplishments completed over the past months, it seems amazing.

But taken stage by stage, it's easy.
In just the same way, regularly buying and playing your lotto game will achieve the same result. You increase the number of opportunities painlessly - and before you know it, your wins are pouring in.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

The Lottery Dream Is Real, Here's How To Live It!

THIS morning, as I sat reading through some of the many newsletters I subscribe to, I realized something startling.

I'm the only author who writes about money fantasies.

In past issues I've written about my expensive cars, world travel, flying aircraft, living in a hilltop mansion, achieving the playboy lifestyle (OK, I made that last one up, sorry dear!)
And in the other newsletters... these sensible-as-laced-shoes ezines... there is none of that.
I might even be a little counter-culturish...

When everyone else says save for a rainy day, I say "get a credit card and keep it unused as a backup."
While others say save your pennies, I say "that mentality makes you poor."
Last night I watched the most recent "Casino Royale" James Bond film (on my 100" projector screen).
As I watched the Aston Martin DBS barreling down the road, it was then I KNEW we all need a fantasy life to aim for.

Without these ambitions, our life is limited.

If you don't dream big, what happens?

Imagine wanting to win the lottery so you could build up your collection of commemorative spoons?
Or winning enough to be able to expand your home-grown cabbage plot?
Or having enough cash so you can go twice a week to your macrame classes?

It's just silly.

lottery system
Look, I'm in the business of money... how to make it, how to enjoy it.
That's why my blog is called The Lotto Life instead of "Save Your Money For The Coming Disaster."
That's why I choose to talk about doing adventure, pushing boundaries, having exciting experiences.
Because life is meant to be lived vicariously... doing the things you've always wanted.
And the lottery is the answer to every person's financial fantasies.

I know how it feels to be trapped in a job... unable to free myself from paid slavery.
We are NOT designed to operate our lives like hens in a battery farm environment.
Sure, you can live an exciting life without money, but it's never the same as a massive lottery jackpot.
Consider this:

Want a year-long world cruise with everything paid for?
- Get a job on a cruise ship.
Want to live in a luxurious home free for years at a time with room, transport and meals provided?
- Apply as a nanny to a rich family with children.
Want to drive exotic cars round the city?
- Get a job as a chauffeur for a rich family.
Want to sail on a super yacht?
- Get a job as a deck hand.

Work is not play. And nothing beats having a vast sum of ready money to free yourself from toil.
Or being accountable only to yourself.
And that's why I push the lottery dream. It's the ultimate fantasy fulfilment.
But a word of caution.

It takes some commitment to play the lottery to win.
You can't really play $5 a week and expect miracles.
Along with a steady diet of dreams and ambition, you also need a touch of reality.

As a serious lotto investor, you've got to realize several things...

1.  Your lotto game investment won't always pay off. Just like the real world, you sometimes have to make a loss before a profit. Grin and bear it.
2.  You MUST be consistent. Playing when you feel like it gets you nowhere fast. Put money aside and play regularly.
3.  Don't let emotion cloud your judgment. Sure, it's fun thinking about what you can buy with your Big Win, but don't get upset when you don't win at times. It's all part of the game.
Follow your dream... and the approved product path that my winners use:

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Is Your Life Boring?

life boring

Here's 6 top boring activities according to a selection from Yahoo Answers:
  1. Watching grass grow
  2. Watching paint dry
  3. Waiting for the phone to ring
  4. Watching someone play videogames
  5. Waiting in a queue 
  6. Listening to someone talking about computers in a monotone voice
 Not included - using my Silver Lotto System. It is the most boring kind of activity ever invented!
It's boring because once you've filled the numbers out in the system and transferred them to your tickets, there's nothing more to do. You only do the process once, forever - until you have a major win.
I haven't heard of any system that operates this way.
Yet, it's exciting too, because those very same numbers are the ones you're looking forward to winning each week.
Exciting or boring? Both! Try it:  SILVER LOTTO

Friday, 27 April 2012

Why I Walk Backwards Down The Stairs

Variety is the spice of life. But there's one thing you mustn't change, and I'll you about that in a minute...
To introduce variety I sometimes I walk down our stairs backwards. Our house has 28 steps spread over four different levels... it makes for an interesting trip.

Here's a picture (above) of the top level - complete with our curious cat! I hold on to the rail as I go - no use taking unnecessary risks! To enhance the sensation, I sometimes I close my eyes as well.
That's not all... sometimes I swap my knife and fork to different hands while eating dinner. (But with more success than Steve Martin playing an unstable relative in "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels").

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

I have a choice of three cars to visit the lotto shops or go traveling, and I mix them up a bit. And I always take a different route wherever I go.

All this activity is designed to keep my brain sharp by challenging it constantly.

If you do something different every day instead of wearing out the same old rut, this constant re-adaption keeps your senses alert. And your brain, reflexes and thinking abilities will be constantly growing.

Some folk do a daily crossword puzzle. Others create with knitting or painting. All good.
You can do this in lotto too... just change your game every once in a while. You'll be surprised what a difference it makes when you have to figure out new numbers for your tickets and go to a different newspaper or TV to see your results.

lottery ticketWhile this advice won't make you an automatic lottery winner, it will help you adapt and grow as your life flows along. These steps make change easier, and keeps you mentally stimulated.

You become more open to new ideas, which is very good thing.
And the one thing you shouldn't change, long term?
Don't change the numbers in your Silver Lotto System. That's the only thing in your lotto life that should stay constant!

silver lotto

Saturday, 21 April 2012

3 Simple Ways to REVERSE Lottery Bad Luck....

A while back I read about a ceremonial sword given to a Prime Minister by some visiting Arab officials. Since then it has sold to several owners.
And each time it has brought bad luck to them. Strange, but true.
Bad luck can be quite a powerful influencer to those who believe in it. Especially if the person with the power can control your life... like doctors - who have both the power to tell you the time you have left to live, or to heal you.
A recent survey found that doctors who gave a sugar pill instead of a regular prescription to a group of patients, found that they got better.
The patients didn't know the difference between the pills... they were cured by their own positive belief system.
There are several ways you can reverse your own fortunes, and here are three methods yu can start right now:
#1. By far the most effective for lottery playing is this first step: Get rid of your losing tickets.
Rip them up, throw them away - after you've had them checked by your lottery store, of course.
Your bad luck will reduce because constant reminders of failure brings... more failure. Every time you view these statements of your losses, you'll be reminded of them. Not a good thing.
So instead of feeling enthusiastic and looking forward to the next game, you'll be miserable. So remove those reminders!
#2. The second step is to quit all other negative reminders in your life. Pull out the kitchen drawers and throw away losing tickets, copies of bills you paid late, photos of people you dislike, wrong colored dishes, plates and cups that are chipped, old photos of how strange you looked back in the 60's, failed projects... the list goes on.
#3. And thirdly, remove clutter. Clean it up. Clutter is a visual reminder of how messy you are right now, even if it's just temporary lack of time to clean it up.
Then replace your bad-luck past with success stories... reminders of happy places you've been, photos of people who you admire or have helped you.
Many successful people have:
  • framed photos of their first sales check
  • trophies in a cabinet
  • mementos of important events
 It's all part of reinforcing positive character traits that help them through the tough times.
Whether your trophy is a car, a watch, a framed check, pictures of happy grandchildren, your first record deal - make sure you have something around that reminds you of how great you really are.
A friend of mine has a cousin, Demis Roussos, the 1970's singer famous for wearing a kaftan and his song "My Friend the Wind."

He showed me a photo of the popular Greek crooner's entrance hall when he stayed there a few years back. The walls of the entry were filled from floor to ceiling with framed gold and silver disks... dozens and dozens of them.
Do you think Demis looks fondly back on his days as one of the world's most popular singers as he views them? Yes indeed.
Now clear out your negative stuff and go buy some tickets for today's game!

Join Our Winning System NOW!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Real Time Lottery Winner - Terry Fisher

Terry Fisher

terry fisher

So who exactly is Terry Fisher?

Well Terry is famous for winning over $1,000,000 in a Lottery, NOT just once but in fact twice. In addition to this, he has won numerous smaller amounts regularly.

Therefore when someone like Terry offers you some advice, I personally think you need to sit and listern, don't you?

What is also truly great about Terry is that obvioulsy he does not need your money, so is happy for you to check out his ebook.

Don't just take my word for it. Go check out is own site : TERRY FISHER

As you will his site is not some flash commercially produced site.


Monday, 16 April 2012

Learn How To Increase Your Chances of Winning The Lottery

increase Your Lottery Winnings

In his book, Richard discusses the ins and outs and dos and don'ts of buying lottery tickets to increase your chances of winning. He has created a method that he and members of his family use that has enabled them to WIN several lottery game GRAND prizes.

This is a very easy to use method and will work with any type lottery games (scratch tickets or number games) in any state or country. Here are some quotes from people who have used his method: "My husband and I used Richard Lustig's lotto method and within months of starting the method we hit a Mega Money jackpot for 2 million dollars!

It was really easy to follow. You only play what you can and you can still win! Shaun and I will only play lotto from now on using these strategies." -Jennifer and Shaun, Florida "Since we've been using your method, we have definitely been winning more that we used to.

It's easy to follow" -Dale, Florida "I just wanted to let you know that my husband and I read through your lottery method last night. It seems great. It seems to be just simple logic and makes sense." -Kate, Illinois

Seriously this is the book for you, IF you really want to increase your chances of winning a lottery and DO NOT want to join a Lottery Winning System.

Winning The Lottery - Does it make you Happy OR Ruin your Life?

Does winning the lottery make you happy or actually ruin your life?

Well I suspect for a number of people, yes their lives have actually been ruined after they won it big on the lottery. Whether it was because of un-wanted skeletons coming out of the closet so to speak after they won, fake friends or family. Who knows. Not everyone who win the lottery is happy.

On the other hand, I would say that anyone who wins a lottery, will be more than happy. I know I was when I won my first (of many) lottery prizes.

Serioulsy nothing, beats waking up in the morning to total financial freedom.


Saturday, 14 April 2012

LOTTERY : Actor Hugh Jackman Starts A Lottery Tradition

When Australian actor Hugh Jackman was filming Real Steel in Michigan, USA last year, he started a tradition. He bought 500 lottery tickets for every member of the film crew, every week.

He explained, "It’s my way of paying taxes. The very first film I did in America, I was embarrassed to say two months in that I didn’t know half of the crew’s names."

The Wolf Man character said, "So I thought that on a Friday afternoon I’ll whip by and buy Lottery tickets for everyone and hand them out."

With his usual sense of humor he added, "I say it’s an Australian tradition, but it’s not."

Personally I believe that if he had used SILVER LOTTO, those 500 tickets would have made quite a few of his film crew very happy indeed.


Wednesday, 11 April 2012

5 Signs You're About To Win The Lottery

Before I start, I want to to know there is an easy way to win the lottery..........

Is this week your winning week? Have you got all the stuff necessary to ensure you win this week?
Let's find out if you qualify:

1) You have the Silver Lotto OK, this one's an automatic no-brainer because you NEED the best system in the world to get any kind of winnings, don't you?

2) You've chosen the game with the lowest number of balls and numbers.My winning percentage (98%+) is so high because I play a 6/40 game, but you'll get just as good results with anything a little higher, say a 6/45, 6/49 etc. A low ball/number combo is one of the best ways to get a win.

3) You've saved up your pennies until you can play all the lines on your Custom Profiles.NOTE: You don't have to play them all if you're on a budget. Even 3-5 tickets will get you well ahead of the rest of the players without my system. But do what a lot of people don't - wait until you have the full amount saved up, then go for it!

4) If you play a jackpot game, the prize has just rolled over.
It's important to try for the jackpot when the prize is at its lowest, because fewer players will be attracted to it. That means more opportunity for you to share less of the prizes... and your odds will be better.

5) You've chosen a less popular playing day.
Visit your local lotto store and ask what is the least popular game day, that's where you'll have the least prize-sharing competition. Lot of people play Saturday games, mainly because of the bigger prizes which have traditionally been promoted at that time. But you want the LEAST popular day, so when you win, you are sharing the prize with few others.

How To Win Lotto 9 Out Of 10 Times
Remember, the aim of my system is to get you winning regularly and aiming for many high-rate prizes. While it's exciting to play the $100 milllion jackpots, the odds are not that great. Best to stay away if you want more certainty.

how to win the lottery

Besides, most folk I know would be happier with several multi-million dollar prizes more frequently. (See my newsletters and blog posts on multiple winners).

Win The lottery

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Lottery Ticket Printer

Thank-you for your interest in ...LOTTO PRINTER... the program that enables you to print your Lottery Selection Slips at home. It is especially useful if you play multiple Selection Slips utilizing Wheeling Systems.
There are many systems available which will increase your chances of winning the Lottery; just check out the Lotto Shop web page for a few examples. However, no matter what method you try you will have to manually prepare your Lottery Selection Slips. The Lotto Printer program automates this task! Click for Full View

  • Select from 50 built in "Wheeling Systems"
  • Wheels range from 9 to 26 numbers
  • Enter your own numbers or let the computer pick them for you
  • Play numbers that are read from a "Text File"
  • Why pay for a program that only provides "Wheeling Systems"?
The Lotto Printer program provides two Universal Versions; one for five boards per slip and one for ten boards per slip. You get both versions of the program! Click on the FREE Download web page and you can try the FREE Version right away. For some of you the FREE Version may be all you need! Please check the Try before you Buy section for more information.


The Man Who Bets A Staggering $2 Million A Day Will Teach You How To Win More

Read this story whenever you think you're going to win the lottery with a $2 quick pick.
Billy Walters is an expert on sports betting. He picks teams which win, and places big money on them. And he does this many times a day.
In a CBS tv interview in 2011, he was filmed making bets totaling $1.3 million. He said he would probably bet $2 million that day.
A day!
Of course there's a downside to everything, and Billy's losing streak is many times bigger than ours. Sometimes he will not win for weeks or a month at a time.
But when he wins, it's enough to buy and maintain his new $20 million jet, and seven homes. And he's been doing this for over 30 years.
It's a fascinating story of a player who believes he will win against the odds. And he does.

Billy in His Office 

And his secret is this - he has a system.
Most players who win consistently use a system. In their world, there's no such thing as luck. Luck is to be controlled as tightly as you can. And in Billy's system, he controls his winnings this way:
  • He has dozens of assistants scattered all over the country and monitors the games from a bank of screens in front of him. He tells them what and when to bet by phone.
  • He plays big. Billy knows that you can't stay small, because you win small.
  • He plays daily. It's the frequency method I keep reminding you about.
But most importantly - he has a secret system that works.
Like the Silver Lotto System, his working method is hidden. In the tv interview you could easily see the screens and listen to his instructions - even see the scribbles on his worksheet. But you can't figure out what really makes the whole thing tick.
Whether it's sports betting or the lottery, using a system is really very similar. You must use a winning system and follow it:
- Play frequently
- Play big
- Control the numbers with a system

Whenever you get dispirited, remember that out there some people have far more in the game than you, and they still persist.
They still follow the simple rules I give you - to eventually win the lottery.

Saturday, 7 April 2012



WinSlip is a web-based tool that makes it easier for you to win your local Pick 4, Pick 5, Pick 6, and Pick 7 lottery drawing game. The online software is powered by an enhanced version of two lottery systems previously known as the One Ticket System and the Inverted Lottery System.

Chances are you’ve never heard of the One Ticket System before, but that’s because it targeted just a few European jackpot games. Today, that technical limitation is no longer a factor: most lottery games are fully covered, and as the name implies, you only have to play just one ticket (*).

The Inverted Lottery System is of course much better known. It was a great “low-budget” pen-and-paper system – 8 tickets max – used by literally thousands of satisfied lottery players worldwide. It’s still being used by thousands today!


Friday, 6 April 2012

Use This Quick Ticket Trick To Figure Out Your Lottery Spend Each Game

You've filled out your tickets from the Silver Lotto System. But the electricity bill just came in and you're a bit short this week.

No problem. Here's a quick way to work out how much you can spend on your next game...
1. Number your tickets. When you filled them out, they were in order, right? So go through them all and number them from 1 onwards. Write these numbers on the back of course!

2. Cost out the tickets. Figure out how much each ticket costs to play. If you've got 6 boxes on a ticket, and each box cost $1, there's $6 a ticket.

3. Set your budget. Let's say your budget is $20 for the next game. Peel off the top 3 tickets you marked 1, 2, 3. At $6 each x 3, there's $18. And you've got two bucks left for parking!

IMPORTANT! When you come to play the next game and your budget is higher, make sure you still use the numbered tickets in the same order. Examples:
  • For a $30 budget you'll be using the first 5 tickets numbered 1-5.
  • For a $60 spend, use the first 10 tickets numbered from 1-10.
You MUST play the same tickets each time, always starting from ticket no.1.
Enjoy your game, and Win Big!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Want To Win The Lottery? REALLY!!!!!

Want to win the lottery, really? Fine, I want you to stop doing all these things from now on:
  • Stop drinking (you know, the alcohol stuff). 
  • Stop eating out, cook at home. 
  • Stop buying coffee, take Starbucks off your list. 
  • Stop buying lunch, brownbag it. 
  • Stop grocery shopping without a list. 
  • Stop buying brand products, generics are fine. 
  • Stop buying anything anymore, that means clothes too. 
  • Stop buying books and magazines. 
  • Stop buying bottled water, fill your own. 
  • Stop driving, go by rail, bus. 
  • Stop smoking, nuff said. 
  • Stop buying bargains. 
  • Stop any hobby which costs money.
If you stop making ALL these purchases, by my estimation you'll have at least $100 extra a week. More if you're a family. Why?
Here's what you should do with the money you save...

 Buy more lottery tickets.
Hold on, I can hear you saying. I'm crazy and irresponsible. Let me agree with you!
But the lottery is the ONLY way you are going to turn a tiny investment into a vast fortune. A job won't do it. A business won't. Wishing won't.
You can ONLY do it by attacking the lottery with a steely determination that few others possess.
I want you to imagine a life without debt or hardship. Where every decision you make is based on "why not?" - instead of "can we afford it?"
Winning the lottery with $100 invested each game gives you a VERY real chance indeed. And the more you can fund into your drive to riches, the quicker it will be to achieve results.
There's no guarantee on how long it might take you, of course. It might take months.

In one case it took several years for Jose Salmon to win $13 million. But like him, the sacrifice will be worth every single penny. That eventual win will set you up for a life of ease, free from worry.
Is it worth the short term sacrifice? You bet! There's no other avenue on earth that will get money as fast.
You should take the step of faith now. Use all my 3 systems to control the outcome as much as you can, and go for it!

So Here is my suggestion to make the most of your game no matter what you spend:
1. Buy the Silver Lotto System to get started.