Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Mega Millions Lottery Winner

Want To Be A Mega Millions Lottery Winner?

I think if you ever ask people that exact question, I am sure that their answer would normally be a BIG! yes. Let's be honest, who doesn't want to be a mega millions lottery winner. I know I do, or should I say I did.

Yes your right in thinking I did win the lottery. Actually I didn't become a mega millions lottery winner. I actually won numerous other lotteries. In fact over the course of any one month. I happily win lotteries. Now I will be 100% honest with you. I don't win the big million dollar prize.

I actually win smaller amounts. That's if you want to call $195,000 a small amount. I suppose to some people it is.

However I haven't just won $195,000 once. No I have won on average $132,000 a month over the past 18 months. So I suppose you could say I was a Mega Millions.

So How Did I Do It?

If like me, you have probably been playing the lottery for years. Winning here and there, maybe not even winning at all. Well that's exactly what it was like for me. Each week or so I would play the lottery hoping the win. Especially on those roll-over weeks. Yes I won occassionally but not a lot

Then I got talking to a guy online called Steve. Both of us had the same interest in Rugby. In fact both of us coached rugby as well. Over the next few weeks we would chat about how our teams played, how many games we had won and about of best players etc.

Then we started to talk about watching International Rugby. Wanting to watch England vs France or England vs Wales etc. Now obviously tickets to these events are not cheep. However let alone did Steve go to ALL iInternationals, he went in the 'corporate boxes'.

Now obviously my question straight away to him was"How could he afford it". It was then that he told me about how he had made quite a bit of money off the lottery and continued to do so on a weekly / monthly basis. Once again Steve wasn't what you would call a mega millions lottery winner but he was rolling in money.

Now obvioulsy I called him 'Lucky' but he simply said that really whilst lottery are luck, he simply increased his chances of winning. Now, as I said I love rugby and obviously love money (who doesn't). So I asked him how?

First thing he said was 'I'll give you 10 Free Lottery Secrets' that you can give other people.

Then he went on to tell me that after I had used the 10 Lottery Secrets, I should seriously look towards using the SYSTEM that he used to make the money. He is such a nice guy that he even took me to the next England Rugby game in a corporate box. Wow! what an experince. I got to meet all the players after the match. I was like a kid in a candy shop. Stupid smile all over my face.

Click Here For Lottery System

So Did I Join?

What do you think. LOL! Of course I joined. I even used the 10 Free Lottery Secrets that Steve gave me. Which I have linked to above. Using those alone helped me win over $95,000. So go on, if you do nothing else today go get the 10 FREE LOTTERY SECRETS..........................

So my question to you is: Would you like to be a Mega Millions Lottery Winner?

3 Essential TraitsYou Need To WIN The Lottery

You may or will be surprised to know that being a winner in life will also help you win the Lottery. I've found that winners in any field of life have certain personality qualities / traits  that have made them successful.
  • It's not good looks.
  • It's not talent.
  • It's not money.
  • It's not hard work.
  • It's not luck.
Not much left, is there? Well, yes, there is...

 Get  Silver Lotto to get started

Fortunately the personality traits that all winners need can be taught. So all you have to do is follow the path I give you.

1. You Need To Be Persistent. I keep going on about this trait of persistence a lot - with good reason. Many people give up too early. But everyone benefits from being persistent. When I read or hear about winners in life being successful, I pry a bit behind their success. And I find always they have chosen one field, one item, one skill... and maxed it out over many years. Every one of them has stuck to their knitting and kept to their skill or talent, without fail. If you apply that principle to winning lotto, you can't go far wrong. Keep at it. NEVER give up!

2. You Have To Play Multiple Times. Winners keep playing, time after time, even when the odds don't go their way.

Silver Lotto
Multi-millionaire Billy Walters had 16 years of straight losses before his Las Vegas sport betting business finally took off. His secret was to keep playing until the odds of winning finally changed.

It's a bit like persistence. Every extra game you play increases your winning chances many times over.

3. You Need To Pick Yourself Up. I'm talking about folk who might first lose, but then have the ability to bounce back again to eventually win.

If you read about most successful people, you will always find on their climb to the top they fail many times... but always rise above it.

4. BONUS TRAIT: They Are Always Positive. Positive people automatically choose the correct path. It's impossible to lose if you have a positive belief that you will win. This keeps you going when your life is filled with problems.
Start now:

Buy the Silver Lotto System to get started.

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